• Is this product safe for everyone? 

This product is not recommended for use during pregnancy, by nursing mothers, by elderly people or children.


  • China slim tea safe to drink?
Even if you've read positive China Slim Tea reviews, the truth is that this teatox is not safe or effective for weight loss. Remember, senna can cause side effects like diarrhea and cramping, and long-term use of the ingredient can lead to lasting bowel damage, according to the NLM. It is not for long term use. 
  • How long does it take for China Slim tea to kick in?

8-12 hours
Most slimming teas will be advertised as 14 or 28-day teas. However, you will realistically start to see effects 8-12 hours after drinking your first cup. As with any product, the effects will vary and depend on your specific body type, fat distribution, diet, level of exercise and metabolism
  • Can Chinese tea help lose weight?
Chinese tea can aid you in losing weight

The most popular tea for weight loss is green tea. Green tea helps by speeding up your metabolism meaning your body will turn fat into energy at a faster rate. Green tea has natural caffeine in it, caffeine is known to naturally burn fat and help increase exercise performance.
  • What time should I drink China slim tea?

Directions : Pour one cup (8 fl. oz) of hot water over one tea bag and let steep for 2 minutes. Do not over-steep. Drink one cup a day after meal.
  • Does China Slim Tea suppress appetite?

  China Slim Tea works by increasing the body's metabolic rate, which helps to burn calories more efficiently. It also contains natural compounds that help to suppress the appetite, reducing the urge to overeat.



  •  Does China Slim Tea suppress appetite?
  China Slim Tea works by increasing the body's metabolic rate, which helps to burn calories more efficiently. It also contains natural compounds that help to suppress the appetite, reducing the urge to overeat.

  • What is the main ingredient in China slim tea?
 Senna Leaf  
  • Does slimming tea affect liver?
Medical experts have warned that taking slimming teas and medications with the intent to lose weight raises the risk of kidney and liver damage. They instead, recommended a safer approach that entails embracing healthy eating habits and regular exercise.  
*Please advise consulting a physician for any concerns before drinking slimming tea